STEMpower Girls is a student-led organization dedicated to cultivating a love for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in girls. Our goal is to directly engage with and nurture a community that encourages young women to pursue careers in these fields. We believe that educating girls from a young age and connecting them with female leaders from around the world will, instill in them the curiosity to explore, passion for innovating, and confidence to become leaders of tomorrow. Through hands-on workshops and interactions with leading females, we hope to introduce more girls to STEM and empower them to become innovative leaders in the future.
Co-founders Jessica Yan and Allie Ng launched this project after experiencing gender disparities in their community’s STEM programs.
In 2015, Jessica Yan attended the DigiGirlz program at Microsoft Headquarters where she learned from many influential female leaders in technology. With her experiences as a girl pursuing computer science, Jessica sought to create an online platform that would connect young girls with inspiring female leaders and guide them as they pursued their STEM interests.
As a 2016 HERlead Fellow, Allie Ng set out to establish an after-school STEM program for middle school girls. Geared with the skills and insight from the incredible women mentors during the 2016 HERlead Leadership Forum in New York City, Allie aimed to find a unique way to combat stereotypes and close the gender gap in STEM.
Jessica and Allie joined forces on June 21, 2016, and initiated STEMpower Girls as an effort to cultivate curiosity and build confidence in girls pursuing STEM.